Cosmetic Leg Lengthening in India:
The commonest reason behind shortening of limbs is perhaps the polio disease.
That doesn’t necessarily mean that once we become successful in polio
eradication, there will be no case of children born with abnormally short limbs.
There are several other reasons such as osteomylitis, birth defects, trauma, and
so on. It may sound incredible to one but about 10% of the total human beings on
earth suffer from problems of short limbs.
As a result, it is matter of concern and consequently cosmetic ways of
lengthening legs in particular is very common and sought after.
In this regard, cosmetic leg lengthening in India is increasingly becoming a
popular option with people all round the globe. Let’s find out the reasons
behind such an immense popularity of the medical treatments for cosmetic leg
lengthening in India.